Key Employment Laws
Employment Rules
Real Estate
Types of real estate careers
Resume Templates
Resume Samples
Employment Interview Tips
Employment Interviews
Employment Applications
Application for employment


Key Employment Laws

Employment rules

The laws that have been written to ensure the safety of employees in the workplace whose standards are both established and enforced by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (0SHA).
Key Employment Laws

Real Estate

Types of real estate careers

People have always had an interest in real estate. In the areas of law,accounting, and banking there are specific codes for real estate.
Real Estate

Resume Templates

Resume samples

Resumes are a must in today's job market. If you don't know how to write a resume there are many resume templates and resume samples to guide you through the process.
Resume Templates

Employment Interview Tips

Employment Interviews

Employment interviewing is a dreaded ritual that some experts believe has just as much potential for predicting success as picking names out of a hat.
Employment Interview Tips

Employment Applications

Application for employment

Unless you are searching for your first job, chances are employment applications are nothing new to you.
Employment Applications

Federal Employment Law

Federal employment law statutes cover a range of legal issues related to employment, including employment sexual harassment, employment discrimination, and employment rules.

Physical Therapist Aide

People choose temporary employment for many reasons. Whether to work while looking for work, to use the agency to help find work, or for seasonal temporary employment,temporary employmentcan bring in money fast.

Internship Employment

Internships are a great way to try out a career, and they look good on a resume. Top internships can lead to employment opportunities in well paying careers. There is internship employment available for many different fields of work.
Plus Size Exercise
Popular Jobs


Teaching is one of the most needed occupations in our society. Teaching jobs are needed in every city, in every state, for students of every age, and that will never change.

Overweight Kids and Dieting
Hot Jobs

Fitness Trainer

For those who love exercise, being a fitness trainer is a great job. Being healthy and in good shape is recommended to do this, even more so than other physical jobs like a physical therapist aide.
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