
Employment Process

The employment process is a landmine of resumes, phone calls, job applications, and networking. With the overload of information available, it is possible to get lost in the job hunt game. Here, we succinctly look at several ways to find jobs–the most effective, and the least effective.

Starting a Job

Starting at a new job can be both exciting and nerve wracking. Preparing your resume and completing employment applications are both important to the job hiring process.

Keeping a Job

In today’s economy, many people are having a hard time finding and keeping a job. Some find that once they are employed, they have trouble keeping a job. Getting and keeping a good job is especially important for family heads.

Warning Signs at a Job

You have probably worried about the security of your job a time or two. Not sure how to tell when its time’s to brush up your resume? Read on for several warning signs at a job.

Employment Applications
Employment Process

Employment Applications

Unless you are searching for your first job, chances are employment applications are nothing new to you. Never-the-less, the complexity of applications can vary, as does the scrutiny paid the application by a potential employer.
Job Hiring
Employment Process

Job Hiring

Employers in the process of job hiring advertize positions through various sources including the most popular job sites online. Knowing where to conduct a successful job search and keeping current information readily available minimizes the job search hiring effort.
Employment Process
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