
Hot Jobs

The job market is constantly changing. We’ve got the scoop on the ten hottest jobs. The Occupational Outlook Handbook predicts these hot jobs will grow faster than the average for all occupations through the year 2016.

Medical Assistant

The medical field is one of the hottest employment fields to enter today. There are literally hundreds of positions available for someone looking to enter into a medical assistant career in almost any field of medicine.

Software Engineer

A Software Engineer is responsible for designing and writing software applications that perform specific tasks. A software engineer might develop business programs, operating systems, or scientific applications. Software Engineer jobs are available for qualified people, even during slow economic times.

Database Engineers

Database Engineers are responsible for designing and maintaining a company’s critical database systems. Database Engineering is an evolving field that requires skilled professionals, but a typical Database Engineer salary makes the training worthwhile.

Fitness Trainer
Hot Jobs

Fitness Trainer

For those who love exercise, being a fitness trainer is a great job. Being healthy and in good shape is recommended to do this, even more so than other physical jobs like a physical therapist aide. But a Fitness Trainer can make good money, and the job involves people skills and motivational skills as well as being in good shape.
Dental Hygienist
Hot Jobs

Dental Hygienist

Being a dental hygienist is one of the fastest growing occupations. Getting a Dental hygienist education requires going to a dental hygienist school. Attending a dental hygienist program can be a very rewarding experience and dental hygienist programs are usually not prohibitively expensive, especially when compared to the job you get.
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